Monday, April 20, 2015

All women lost in gender equality, again.

In the case Ellen Pao vs. Kleiner Perkins.

Ellen Pao Loses on All Claims in Historic Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Kleiner Perkins

The old boys club/frat boys/the establishment/the Death Star that is the Silicon Valley/Tech win again.  And this evil empire continues to oppress women......

Women had been oppressed since the beginning of time, when will we be free??

As a human race, we haven't advanced much from the Dark Age, as proven by the Silicon Valley, also proven by the failed attempt beheading on me, a woman excelled in tech jobs over the males.

Throughout the human existence, intelligent women were beheaded, burned alive as a witch, stoned to death, or put to death in a horrified way; today is no different as is happening to me.  

Women like Pao and I are targeted and ousted from the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/STEM field ( to re-enforce the notion that women are not wired for Tech, as a way to keep women down.  Just like the 1950s that women were not fit to understand complex ideas, hence not fit for higher education.  Today, women made up of 50+% of the JD, MD, MBA, etc.  Donna Dubinsky (author of another article mentioned in this article) and the defense lawyer Lynne Hermle were the resulted of women sacrificed themselves before us such they have a chance at Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities.  But instead, they become a tool to help oppress women.

There were times when Black Americans were not allowed to play sports, now they dominated the field.  What will the STEM field look like in the future?

While the talking heads of Tech keep saying they can't find qualified American candidates for tech job, and need more H1Bs.   Another word, more males that share their misogynist practices such that of Ajit Nazre that lied and intimidated young women into having sex with him, while the likes of Kleiner Perkins, the Patent and Trademark office, the Tech and STEM field are protecting them such as in this case.  Why would any young girls/women, or Americans for that matter, want to go into the Tech/STEM field??

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