Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Something that's been bugging me from the Computer Refurb

for some reason, that keep popping up in my mind.

Richard asked me whether I lost a tool box a while back; then last Sat, John asked me against.  They didn't ask anyone else but me.  Why???

Did this malicious 90 years old woman Sue Tsui defamed me and accused me of stealing???   (Proven malicious the 1st day when Richard asked me to work with her.  As soon as Richard asked me to work with her, she started berating me mercilessly before I even said a word.  From what I heard, I am not the only one berated by Sue, she berated other Asian women and especially young girls as well.  No wonder so few women in the lab.  I don't understand someone like her knows nothing about computer, as evidenced by she pulled the power cord out on the computer without shut it down first (I freaked out) allowed doing this?  Then AJ also said something in the effect of "don't steal anything" just before she left the office.  I take it as a racist remark.  I wasn't planning on coming back to volunteer for this place anymore as it is such a cesspool.  But there were some very good people there also.  So I gave it a chance.  I hoped this place is unlike the Patent and Trademark Office where racists used defamation by people from Asia as a pretext to do harm to me.  After all, the is a non-profit where people volunteered to do good.  Except the likes of Sue Tsui obviously has no interested in doing good, but self serving.....finding a husband??? She makes it clear she is divorced over and over again.)    

Often when these people from Asia accused others of stealing, they are most likely the one who steals and pins the crime on a scapegoat.  They had done this to me in the Silicon Valley, where they accused me of being a spy, checking them out when I was the only woman in the deptetc, in the 1990s; which I laughed at thinking that everyone would laugh at such ridiculous accusation and see right away that this is a bunch of malicious people, as we were just a bunch of simple folks; this is not the FBI, CIA or even Wall Street.  After years of dealing with them, I learned everything they said is the antithesis of the truth.  It only makes sense that these people from Asia were spies, and that's how I knew they were going to steal trade secrets, and hacked the US corporations once they had the skills.  

Such defamation also done to me in the Patent and Trademark Office by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women,  Michele Choi who is hated by those knew herm, particularly her Training classmates, amount many other people from Asia.

Again, these people from Asia are ruthless.  There is no humanity in them, only avarice and hate. They will do anything to eliminate those who are better than them, not just in a job or economically, but in anything, even as being well-like or better looking.  Where ever they go, they incite people to hate each other, it only takes one such as this Sue Tsui in Computer CORE or Tuan Nguyen in the Patent and Trademark Office.  This is why China wouldn't allow Free Speech.

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