Sunday, October 26, 2014

So, Stephen is known as a snake in the grass

Very appropriate.  He's been the one that's saying inflammatory things to kids, and the kids acted out on what he said such as shunned me or spreading the "no one liked her here, that's why she is leaving".  Again, I am leaving because I don't want to support racists such as Stephen.

No good deed goes unpunished.

I tried to help the people-from-Asia because they were new in America, just as I am a volunteer to support this non-profit.  But instead, people-from-Asia ruined everything that took my whole life to build by relentlessly slandered me, where people with issues (racism, bigotry, hate, oppression of women, psychologically unstable, jealousy, covetous, envious, avaricious, etc.) such Stephen help spread their slanders relentlessly, and in term, re-enforced the slanders.

In Junior High, I was helping the only 2 girls just arrived from Asia, also helped them to report the bullying by Hispanic/Latino girls, which these Hispanic/Latino girls turned and bullying me.  These girls-just-arrived-from-Asia also bullying too afterward. I reported all these to the Principle, he didn't do anything. The assistant Principle asked him why he didn't do anything, the Principle said “if I have a nickel for every report......”

It seems that, for people with issues, helping others or being nice is a sign of weakness which people with issues to prey on. If I am the nastiest person on earth, people with issues would be afraid and stay away from nasty people.
Stephen knew the slit of my throat the first time we met, and I told him at least twice since I started my volunteering. He also had my blog ( where I told how I've been targeted by people-from-Asia that resulted in the attempted beheading that was meant to kill me, and that I've been suffering from PTSD. Stephen knew all this and now trying to push me over the edge so I would kill myself.   

When I just start fixing bikes, Edorado (shop manager) gave me a bike to fix, Stephen took it away thinking I was going to steal it.  Then he had different kids keep asking me whether the bike I was fixing was mine, for weeks.  He was thinking I was going to steal the bikes.  This is demeaning and insulting.  What a racist.  Now that he had also got the kids to practice racism on me, why would I volunteer to support these racists when I tried so hard to stomp it out?

He got issues, one of which is with his own life and his family.  He took that out on people around him and make their life miserable.  That means the kids and everyone around him,

In a place where there are grew-up, people like Stephen would've been ousted, but in this Youth program, Stephen are free to abuse kids such as Omar

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