Thursday, October 30, 2014

"she doesn't know anything" as promulgated in the bike shop

Just like in the Science and Technology field, where women are seen as NOT wired to do technical jobs, and males are; where people-from-Asia and people with issues (racism, bigotry, hate, oppression of women, psychologically unstable, jealousy, covetous, envious, avaricious, etc.) used this American's conventional believe against women such as I.

Such conventional believe is shared amount the kids in this little bike shop, what chance do women have in the usual male dominated industies?

So, fixing bikes for me where my background is the equivalent of design and built a Tesla when Tesla was in inception.  Even when I only started learning to ride a bike about 6 months ago, but since I ski and rollerblake, I was able to ride a bike on the 1st trial, and is just a matter of practice, which I had been doing consistently.  Additionally, as an engineer, I know how everything works.

So the only problem I had so far is the slanders promulgated, just as in the Science and TEchnology field, that instigated by people-from-Asia; which the people-from-Asia did in this little bike in the middle of nowhere as well, and now using good looking young Asian girls/women to slander me to the males.  They didn't come to buy bikes, they came to slander me such I would be fired or make my life so miserable so that I had to leave, which is what the people-from-Asia been doing since the 1990s as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley, later NYC, then the Patent and Trademark Office, now in Arlington County, VA.

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