Sunday, August 31, 2014

Nothing bad happened yet, wait a month or 2......

But the defamation is getting worst where I volunteer, this is usually the leading sign.  The major contributor is Stephen, whose been stirring things up with the kids.  I believe he is telling the kids "I don't like them", and told them not to talk to me.  I believe he has begun slandering me with the kids' parents as well.  

He had shown why he has been ousted everywhere, and ended up in this bike shop

I wonder if that's why Samera (?), Brian, kids and other grownups are reacting so unfriendly toward me?  

This is done with malicious intention, not a conduct acceptable anywhere, especially toward kids at such impressionable age.  He also said "she is not going to do anything about it"; which said a lot about the person as he knew no one cares nor justice protects an Asian and/or woman.  Case in point, my Patent and Trademark Office EEOC case and the Tech industry/Silicon Valley ruined everything that took my whole life to build because I am a woman who could do the job males could not, and now the slit of my throat that was meant to kill me.  He is obviously not a sympathetic person, no where near altruistic, which made me wonder why he is working in a non-profit as this is not his cause or something he believes in, nor does he had any interest in the betterment of the kids and their future.

His intention is for me to leave, even though I am just a volunteer.  What I am doing for Phoenix Bikes such is crowdfunding, selling stuff on the internet, etc., and being "liked" by some key people as well racism may be the reasons why; because an Asian/woman is superior than him, like those young Asian women golfers.  A recent incident where I stood up to him when he talked down to me added to his resentment toward me.  

Most Caucasian Americans now can live amount/accepted minorities/colored people and women, but often as a lesser of an equal as taught by society and conventional beliefs. When any of these lesser of an equal shown to be superior or "uppity", resentment kicks in.  This is also why the Patent and Trademark Office management terminated me because of all my outstanding accomplishments that started with an air-tight first patent case; in addition to males from Asia see women are a 2nd Class citizen, outperforming males in the job dishonored the male gender, an offend to be beheaded.

Andrew also had accused me of checking him out, on his last day, no less.  This is akin to James Foley checking out his beheader, a Jewish checking out a Nazi, or an African-American checking out a KKK.  I was trying to tie my tool apron with a back closure which I had a hard time doing while trying to look at my back to see where the closure was.  Andrew was standing behind me which I didn't realize.  For a nefarious individual, they would use the occasion to do harm to me; and that's why I am trying to stay away from people such not to give them the opportunity, and the main reason why I chose to work outside, away from everybody, under 90+ degree temperature, with long sleeves.  On Andrew's last day, he did just that, despite he had read my EEOC blog and knew what happened to me where I indicated people who made accusations of me checking him out were intended to set me up for termination, sexual harassment, rape and now they had slit my throat that was meant to kill me such the EEOC case would go away.

He must've thought he was Michelangelo's David, a Chippendale dancer, or a cute dog.  This is after I've been friendly toward him.  I should stay away from males like him.  Nearly all males from Asia who I was friendly toward just as I had with Andrew, with similar unfortunete hard on the eyes appearance, had slandered me behind my back, but extremely nice to me as if they all care about my well being.

Andrew is what people call a midget; my ex-officemate Hung Havan who was about 4+ ft in height and weight 300lb, had set me up with his friend Michele Choi using their smartphone to make me come as if I was checking him out;  the people from Asia surf porn in groups at work where I was often the only woman in the whole engineering department that started all this, look like Gollium from the "Lord of the Ring".   The grotesque appearance of these people should've been a clue.  Yet people go around repeating what they say of checking them out just to harm me such I would be terminated, unable to secure a job, and incited rape and now the beheading of me.  It is a sad, sad world.

Ever's disliked of me may be due to racism as so prevalent amount Hispanic/Latino toward Asians.  From my own experiences since elementary school, the Hispanic/Latino had been discriminated against Asians, and had gotten me fired many times because they don't like Asians, including my Patent and Trademark Office Supervisor Paul Rodriguez.  It was a Hispanic/Latino male that carry-out the slit throat/attempted beheading of me.   He accused others of playing favoritism, while he is the biggest benefactor of favoritism, but he doesn't want an Asian to get something “nice”.  As a note, at least 2 of my college buddies were Hispanic/Latino. 

Ever accused others of playing favoritism, while he is the biggest benefactor of favoritism, that he can play favoritism to his friends, but he doesn't want an Asian to get anything “nice”.  I believed Ever has been getting other kids to shun/discriminated against me, as well.  Another word, he is doing what Tuan Nguyen did to me in the Patent and Trademark Office that resulted in my wrongful termination and now the attempted beheading.  And we had been advocating not to discriminate people like Ever and his countrymen/women, as well Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, while they openly discriminating against me where I volunteer to help disadvantaged kids like them.  Racist always makes me sick to my stomach, whether they are Asian, Caucasian, African-American or Hispanic/Latino.  So far this is ok for everybody.  I think I am going to volunteer to help the dogs and cats.

With all my accomplishments in life, this kid and his close circle of friends Edorado, Semera, Stephen and a few others are going to get me fired from a volunteering job, which is highly probable after Henry is no longer the Executive Director, just like the Patent and Trademark Office, at which time I shall leave.  All in all, this is now a dysfunctional toxic place. 

The difference between now and the Patent and Trademark Office or the Silicon Valley is that I didn't post being defamed, sexually harassed, abused, setup for termination, physical harm threats and the attempted beheading, until I got terminated when enough people partake in the sexual harassments, and management using the defamation as a pretext to terminate me, despite I worked 24/7 with accomplishment few had.  Now I am posting in real time as to what is happening to me.

This is the kind of society we live in, just like the Silicon Valley, where a bunch of racist thugs from Asia easily ruined and beheaded a woman excel in the job.  This is the sad, sad state of Americans, particularly in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry where they think they are such an advance society, while beheading women such as I who proven to be able to do the jobs males of tech could not.

All these people had read my Blog and knew I would post any harm done to me, as well knew that the people from Asia and my coworkers from the Patent and Trademark had deliberately ruined everything that took my whole life to build, also a failed attempted beheading recently, yet they see it as an opportunity to harm me further to ensure I would be dead.   They all reveal who they really are and would do to a person when given an opportunity, just as the people from Asia and the coworkers from the USPTO had; and that's why it is so easy to ruin a person's life in our society despite all my accomplishments in life.  If they are slandering me behind my back, what had they been doing to you?

All this said is that it is still not safe for me to go back to work.

The leading signs are: people partake in the slandering, then people-from-Asia start coming to my location, which been happening over the course of the summer.  There were kids whose parents were from Asia.  One Chinese boy with an unusual voice, his father/uncle had slandered me with Stephen.

All this started as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley working in companies where 90+% were males from Asia who I had never met in my life, just like that Chinese boy's uncle/father.

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