Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The defamation of "she checks men out"

is making the round in the Phoenix Bikes shop, as some males start acting out on the defamation, some of these males I had never met in my life, which typically makes me sick to my stomach.  Another word, I was being sexually harassed.  May have to stop going there depend on rather the defamation will get worse or physical harms will be a possibility.  One to two guys may deliberately spread the defamation trying to get rid of me for different reasons.

The defamation of "she checks men out" amount many other defamation, originally instigated in the Patent and Trademark Office by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen from Asia, re-forced by Michelle Choi and Hung Havan by set me up using their smartphone to incite sexual harassment, abuses, termination, physical harm, rape and the slit of my throat that carried out by a Hispanic/Latino male from South America who will get a death penalty if I am dead, further re-enforced by their close associate and Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill who also denigrated me with "she's too old for me, etc" ......is now spread to the Bikes shop where people are acting out what they heard as well re-enforced the defamation, next is sexual harassment, abuses, termination, rape and physical harm/death.

Weak minds  will see what other people told them to see, just as in the children's book “The Emperor's new clothes”.  Often these are grown men of 30+, and even 50+s.  It is just sad and mind boggling.

This defamation re-enforced by Hung Havan and Michelle Choi used their smartphone to set me up such I would come across as if I was checking Hung Havan up.  They had to try 3 times to get the effect they were looking for.  I was perplex at the time why Hung Havan keep showing me his son to me on a smart phone.  This defamation also re-enforced by their close associate which they referred to as frenemy -Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill, who used me to cover their affair such their enemies would come after me.

Both Hung Havan and Michele Choi, amount many from Asia knew I hated being sexually harassed and deemed those who did as lowlife, as well I would report them to the EEO. So to enforce the notion of I checked out Hung Havan as a way to further the sexual harassment and abuses toward me by lowlifes which I would report to the EEOC, he tried to set me up such I come across as if I was checking him up. For example, he would show me clips of his son on is smartphone placed on the desktop while he stood on the other end of the edge of the desk, someone such as his partner in crime Michele Choi would use her smartphone and recorded from afar as if I was checking Hung when he talked to me and I looked up, for the unsuspected simpleton eyes. They tried this at least 3X to finally got it right. I only realized what they did hours later. Hung Havan and Michele Choi’s intention was to have every single lowlife to sexually harass and abuse me, a woman who is outperformed them, to finally get me terminated and raped. That video should be use as evident that led to my slit throat.

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