Friday, December 20, 2013

It took people from Asia years to keep me out of a job

in the Silicon Valley/Tech Industry/San Franasico Bay Area.  Some had to work overtime to get me fired, one of which was a Director name Raymond Tan.  People from Asia were able to keep me out of tech jobs even though I was the only person that could run complex Emulation projects on time and within budget, this including Intel, during tech bubble and still while talking heads keep saying we are short of tech talent, shown how much control they have in the Tech industry and America in general.

Immigrant/FOB (Fresh Off the Boat) and ghetto Asians with current and past H1Bs as the core targeted me/slandered/defamed me as soon I arrived in the Silicon Valley.

In a similar manner, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen targeted me the first month I was on the job.  Then Hung Havan and his cabal Michele Choi, Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo and her friends from India were instrumental in finally got me terminated in less than 9 months on the job in the DC metro, where I didn't know anybody here and worked nearly 24/7.  

It only took them a few months to eliminate me from a job, and in a well organized and well planned way keep me out of a job in the DC metro using a smear campaign everywhere I went, to finally slit my throat to kill me shown again, how much control people from Asia have in the DC metro, the US capital and the leader of the free world.  The DC metro is not some hillbilly country, but the US capital, the CIA, FBI, etc, the highest government institutions are located here.  Yet people from Asia had complete control of this area.

This is pretty scary.

This is how easy to control the Americans and institutions such as the Patent and Trademark Office that terminated me.  For example, my officemate Hung Havan and his cabal Michele Choi and Nathan Hillery deliberately misled the Patent and Trademark Office into thinking I am either Susanne Lo or Michele Choi, and a co-worker named Bill and I were dating, who's last name I don't even know.  I asked if Bill had lots of enemies.  Hung Havan also said "dating is against company policy", to which I replied this is also true in most companies.   Bill had been dating Susanne Lo for a long time, and was known to many in the Patent and Trademark Office.  We also see Bill and Susanne Lo went home together all the time and was talking about marriage.  Bill was helping Susanne Lo to buy a house the time I was being terminated.  They should be married by now.

I had only spoken to Bill a few times when he came to talk to Hung Havan whom shared the office with me, and only 2 or 3 sentences as he often ignored me.  He did try to talk to me once, but I had to meet the stringent requirements put on by my Supervisor Paul Rodrigues and the Director Wendy Gerber, under the threat of termination.  Bill was helping Hung Havan from being terminated, while Hung Havan and his cabal Michele Choi, Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo and her Indian friends slandered, maligned and set me up to be terminated by my Supervisor Paul Rodriguez and my Unit Premary Dwin Craig.  Hung Havan knew my Supervisor was setting me up for termination because I asked Hung Havan for remedy.  It seems Bill had helped Michele Choi, Nathan Hillery and Susanne Lo from being terminated as well.  Both Hung Havan and Susanne Lo as well many Asians in the AU2128 had Paul Rodriguez as a Supervisor.  Many had transferred out of Paul Rodriguez Unit while I was there.

I told Hung Havan I already had a boyfriend in NYC soon after I moved into the office.  Michele Choi and a few others also knew I already had a boyfriend.  Additionally, I worked nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log time and my accomplishment.  Unless I have a time machine, and somehow find a robot to work on my computer, otherwise there was no way I had time to date, when my supervisor Paul Rodriguez even refused me to go on a 2 days vacation.  I am also an asexual.

Hung Havan and Michele Choi had used their smartphone to set me up and video such I come across as if I was checking out Hung Havan.  These people would do and say anything to get me sexual harassed, abused, terminated, physically harmed, raped and now slit of my throat that meant to kill me.

On my last day, Hung Havan used force to stop me from saying good-bye to anyone, and used his arm on my chest/breasts to block me from going to say good-bye to Erica (an Asian American woman whom I befriended with a few doors down from my office) in front of Erica.

Nathan Hillery deliberately elbowed my chest on his way home one night.  It was so degrading that I had to bit my lip so not to say anything as I was still a probationary employee.  I bit myself so hard that a dark mark remains today on my lip.  Michele Choi elbowed my chest on my last day to push me out of her way after she had raided my office supply.

And finally, these are some of the people had shown such vicious intention toward me to slit my throat that meant to kill me.

Still, even today, after proving over and over against that these immigrant/FOB from 3rd world culture and ghetto Asians been lying, yet people continue to believe everything they said, while everything I said had become true, particularly about these immigrant/FOB and ghetto Asian, yet people still don't believe me.  What kind of phenomena is this?

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