Wednesday, October 16, 2013

So I overheard this when I walked by 2 guys

"If they fired her by mistake, why don't they just hire her back?"

A guy answer "they know very little about her".

So basically the likes of Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen immigrated to the US recently, where the history of these people's prior to moving to the US was completely unknown, and now had shown vicious intention to harm others by slandering people like me and got me fired, one of the slanders was to have people question my trustworthiness by saying "we know very little about her" (This is how they control these Americans, also in the Silicon Valley as well).  Hung Havan and his cabal - Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her Indian friends all had shown malicious intentions to do harm, particularly Michele Choi who is hated everywhere and been known to be malicious; while I worked nearly 24/7,  and yet the guy had reservation about me and not those who had already proven they are vicious?  What kind of people are these???

While the likes of Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, Hung Havan and his cabal, as well the immigrant/FOB and ghetto Asians where the current and past H1Bs was the core in the Silicon Valley, had much higher probability to be anti-America and steal trade secrets then me, who worked nearly 24/7 with accomplishments to support such claim; yet the Americans believed the relentless defamation of these immigrant/FOB and ghetto Asians who I had never met or know in my life, and repeated their slander of me "we know very little about her" so we fired her because we trusted the likes of Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her Indian friends even though they had shown vicious intention over and over again toward me that resulted in sexual harassment, abuses, termination, as well physical harm, abduction and rape that resulted in slit of my throat that almost killed me.
The New York City Education system has every record of me from elementary school; but instead people chose to believe the slanders of me by immigrant/FOB (fresh off the boat) from Asia, who I had never met in my life, and fired me instead.  This is basically how I have ended up unemployed since 2001 as well as the Tech industry is control by people from Asia and ghetto Asians.  It really doesn't take much to control these Americans, they believed anything anybody said, no matter how ridiculous; just like the children's story "The emperor's has no Clothes" where people believed what they were told, and not what they see.

I even post this in my office door in the Patent and Trademark Office "like the Emperor's New Clothes, just b/c someone said it, doesn't mean it is true" where my officemate Hung and his cabal slandered me that got me fired.

All these Americans continue to talk to the likes Hung Havan and continue to be manipulated by them, and never given me a chance to defend myself, so I had to take it to the EEOC, where the AJ Nancy Graham ruled I resigned even though she said  I was terminated in our first conference.


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