Sunday, September 29, 2013

I just can not believe how much bad mouthing

and gossipy going on in this little community.  It is a sign of a sick mind, people had issues.

This started soon I moved in, days after I moved into 930 house, I walked up to the kitchen and heard Randy and Jonica talking with Xavier and the then accountant women that they didn't like me.  Randy didn't like me even before he met me as was shown when we first met.  It could be because someone had told him she doesn't like me and/or some other issues.

All these stem from the landlord Michael asked me to be his 3rd girlfriend the first time we met, when I came to see the rental.  Now that the "I don't like her; no one liked her; etc" had incited weak minds and/or people with issues to resent me, he is using that as a pretext to evict me even though the real reason is I refused him.

For Randy, if he doesn't like a person, he would say either I or someone else doesn't like that person.  Through out the time I am here, he had told numerous people either I don't Like them or no one like me, this including his friend Marish, that's why she suddenly became cold and distant; and most likely all his friends.  

If he needs someone to buy something, such as a cookware, he would say such person likes to steam and needed a cookware to steam vegetables (I was so afraid he might use me to get other people to buy him stuffs).  So I brought an electric steamer from NYC, he then complained it is plastic and cheap. Most electric steamers are about the same and in price wise.  I decided on a electric steamer because I see the large pots for steaming were burned badly at the bottom, an electric steamer shuts-off automatically to prevent fire.  Also, if one doesn't like to cook on top of plastic, one could put a plate on top.  The steamer is now broken.  I brought a mop similar to Wetjet to keep the kitchen floor clean, but without the use of battery or had to buy a special liquid bottle like wetject, and about the same price as the wetjet; then I heard it is something cheap. And now is broken.  

I've been trying to get out of their way such that "out of sight, out of mind".  That didn't work, so I tried to win them over.  Nope, that didn't work either, and so now I am being evicted.

So when Eldon when to pick the keys for the doors, he echo the sentiment "no one liked her; no one wanted her; etc" to Sarah.

A sign of a sick mind/people had issues.  Akin to the slandering by my ex-officemate Hung Havana and his cabal Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her Indian friends, in addition to Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen that incited sexual harassment, abuses, and got me terminated from the Patent and Trademark Office, as well the slit of my throat that was meant to kill me.  This eviction is part of the abuses that resulted from "no one liked her; no one wanted her; etc" where people acted on and used as cheap tools by the likes of Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, as well Hung Havana and his cabal.  This is also why I can't find a job even with all my outstanding accomplishments.  The really scary part is Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, as well Hung Havana and his cabal had control of the DC metro, where the CIA, FBI, the White House and all the top US government institutions located.

My termination from the Patent and Trademark Office happened in a similar manner.  It started soon I arrived and defamed by Tuan Nguyen and his Countrymen, where it spread to the rest of the Patent and Trademark Office, and took it further by my officemate Hung Havan and his cabal Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her Indian friends that finally got me terminated.  Those in the position of terminating/evicting me already predisposed to do harm to me for following reasons.

1.  Some believed the defamation of me just because someone said it, regardless; just as the peasants in the children's story "The emperor has no clothes".  Many are in top level management.  

2. A woman who could do a job her male counterparts couldn't wrap their head's around in the Tech Industry where I have been often the only woman engineer in the whole Engineering department in the Silicon Valley.   And most were from the a Third World culture such as Asia.  This is to keep women down, an oppression of women

3.  To let me know this is still a men's world.

4.  Because Americans like me, hence the "no one liked her; no one wanted her; etc" to incite resentment and hatred toward me.  They see that as Americanized, like a banana - yellow outside, but white inside.  The same sentiment as "oreo cookie" or "that Barack Obama is not Black enough".

5. I told my co-workers in the Silicon Valley I was dating a none-Asian and had his picture on my desk to avoid unwanted attention, the FOB H1B in term told people I only liked Whitey and so "she is a racist" to incited hatreds toward me.

5. Most Americans believed anything an Asian said about another Asian, no matter how ridiculous.  Case in point, my officemate Hung Havan said that I am just like Michele Choi who is hated everywhere, or told Susanne Lo that her boyfriend Bill and I will be married soon.  They've  been dating for a long time, and is known to many people in the Patent and Trademark Office, also people nearby our office had seen them going home together all the time.  I on the other hand, worked nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log time and my accomplishments, also only spoken to Bill a few times and only a few sentences while he was in Hung Havan and my office as Bill was helping Hung Havan from being terminated; yet people believed such ridiculous and out right to set me up for terminated as Hung Havan specifically said to me that dating in the Patent and Trademark Office is against company policy.  I said this to him also the policy of most private companies as well.

4.  To many, I am just another woman and/or Asian.  They could do whatever they want because women/Asian is/are the new Black.  Society and the Law don't protect us as evidenced by my EEOC case.  Most people are closet racists, they don't show it in the open, but when had a chance and thinking no one would find out, they would show it; as in my termination, my eviction and the wide spread of defamation even though I don't know anyone here in the DC Metro.

5.  Then there are those like my landlord who I refused to be his 3rd girlfriend, my previous management who I had shown no interested to be their girlfriend.  One (none-Asian) even fired me believing Raymond Tan told him that I was pregnant where I was constantly sexually harassed by Ranymond Tan and his cabals, etc, etc, etc........

6. Asians like Raymond Tan, Hung Havan, etc do not like Asians to date none-Asians

7. Most people judged me based on their own values and what they do or don't do.  If they lie and cheap, they assumed I must do the same. 


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